Career Opportunities

Here’s Why You Should Work with Us

A job in Oban is unique, with rewards and challenges that are very different from those you meet in large hospitals. The hospital retains a feeling of a community – you know everyone’s face and everyone’s role. In turn the hospital is a part of the community of Oban and Lorn.

Socially Oban and the villages around Oban all have strong community identities and a very welcoming attitude to new arrivals. The wide range of community activities and possibilities are detailed elsewhere on the site.

For a real view of life here, read the story of Dr Henderson, a recent retiree from L&I Hospital.

Oban Bay - Blue Sky

Working with General Practice

Interaction with general practice is a much larger part of life than elsewhere. Professionally there are close interactions with general practitioners in Oban and throughout the CHP, together with discussions and referrals with clinicians in Glasgow. There have been integrated networks developed with colleagues both in Glasgow and Inverness in some cases involving joint treatment of patients in Oban or Glasgow.

The CHP fully appreciates the need for integrated clinical services and there is every enthusiasm to extend and develop this.

Oban Sunset

The Best of Both Worlds

Although inevitably on a smaller scale, the work at Oban has the same variety as any other hospital. Unusual illness does not just present to teaching hospitals! The unique skills of a generalist are valued and the need to cope with “whatever comes through the door” is stimulating and challenging in equal measure.

In many ways Oban offers the best of both worlds – living and working in a rural environment but with easy access to a major medical and cultural centre. So if you ever do get bored with hiking the hills and sailing around the islands, a concert and a shopping centre are only 2 hours away!

Oban from the Bay

Get in Touch

The flexibility that is integral to working in a small, patient centred environment means that it is still possible to tailor care to the individual person which should lead to a more satisfying experience for everyone.

If all of this stimulates an interest, and presumably if you are reading this it has done, then get in touch or have a look at our current vacancies page.

And if your mind isn’t yet made up, read Dr Henderson’s account of life at L&I Hospital.