

All staff within the surgical department aim to provide a safe and high quality surgical service to patients. We believe it is desirable to offer care to patients as close their home as possible and important to adapt care to the individual needs of the patient and their families.

Our service is led and delivered by experienced senior surgeons. There are three Consultant Surgeons and one Associate Specialist based in the hospital, with further expertise offered by visiting Specialists from Glasgow and Inverness.  Doctors in their first few years of training complete the medical team. An experienced team of nurses on the ward and in the operating theatre work closely with the doctors, allied health professionals and medical secretaries to coordinate and deliver integrated care for patients.

There is a fulltime emergency surgical service for assessment and treatment of patients with surgical conditions or injuries. Patients admitted to the surgical ward are reviewed at least once a day by a Consultant or Associate Specialist and operations are all performed by a senior surgeon. Outpatients referred by their GP for a surgical consultation will be offered an appointment in a clinic held at several locations across Argyll.

We welcome feedback from patients and relatives on their experience in order that we can develop our service to meet the needs of the population of Argyll and Bute.