

The area is well served by primary schools within the town and surrounding rural areas. There are 3 primary schools in Oban:

Rockfield Primary School (including Rockfield Gaelic medium primary school)

St Columbas Primary School

Park Primary School

Details about other primary schools in the surrounding area are available from Argyll and Bute Council.


Oban High School website and Facebook page.

Oban High School logo



“Wow. Has to be one of the most challenging and inclusive schools in the United Kingdom. Brilliant – really holds the community together.” The Good Schools Guide 2014.


All primary schools in the area feed into Oban High School which offers one of the broadest curriculum choices available in Scotland. Additionally, the school has a strong focus on sports, arts and culture and affords its pupils opportunities in these areas by hosting a Traditional School of Music, the School of Rugby in conjunction with the Scottish Rugby Union, and the School of Dance with Ballet West. It also has close links with Argyll College and has a diverse after-school activity programme.

Other Educational Opportunities in the area

Scottish Association for Marine Science

Argyll College (University of Highlands and Islands)

Ballet West